May 2, 2014

Five for Friday {May 2}

I haven't done a Five for Friday in a couple of weeks! What is wrong with me?! Five for Friday is a weekly linky hosted by Doodle Bugs Teaching where teacher bloggers post five random things about their week. As you may already know, school is over for me as I was a student teacher this year and just finished up last week! However, I am including a project we did on my last day in here, so don't fret. Still my usual Five for Friday self!

First off, on my last day of my internship last week, we did a fun jellyfish craft which has been pinned on my Pinterest for months now. As mentioned in previous posts, we had our big field trip to the aquarium last month so we have been integrating ocean activities into our day ever since. Check out our CD fish HERE.

Here's the jellyfish though! Ain't he a cutie??

Here's a step by step!

Step 1:
Glue pieces of colored tissue paper all over the bottom side of a paper bowl.

Step 2:
Choose the googly eyes. Kids take this part very seriously.

Step 3:
Glue on those beautiful eyes!

Step 4:
Choose your ribbon and streamer strips.

We attached the streamers and ribbons with scotch tape to the inside of the bowl.

AND VOILA! Jellyfish!

This week was opening night of Happy Days the Musical at the school my mom teaches at. She is the music and drama teacher for grades K-12 at a private school here in Central Florida. It is a HUGE job. The school is a supporter of the arts (which is sometimes rare these days) and my mom has built a wonderful program there. They are fortunate enough to have had a donor give money for 25 full size Yamaha keyboards! My mom can actually teach these students how to play!

Pretty neat, huh?!

Well, this week they are opening their spring production for the drama class and it is a musical version of Happy Days! I was the choreographer and the kids are doing such a fantastic job!

I love this picture of them having fun during their dress rehearsal. To see more pictures, check out the slideshow at the local newspaper HERE.

The End of the Year is drawing near. I just finished up a series of new products for the end of the year in kindergarten and first grade. Click the images below to check out all of them and get the downloads, or for more details on them, click HERE for their description in a previous post!

I just joined the ranks of people who wear glasses as of yesterday. I was reluctant at first and will probably be getting used to having something on my face all the time for a WHILE, but I can't believe what all I haven't been able to see!! I had no idea! Everything is just so clear!

My mother-in-law says I look like a teacher now. Lol?

Volunteer night at the school I was interning at is coming up soon, so before I left, the kiddos and I made these gifts for the volunteers who are consistently helping in our classroom. I was fortunate enough to be at a school that has a lot of parental involvement. I know a lot of schools in my county are not as lucky. However, we have 4 volunteers that come all the time and are SO MUCH help!

We decorated flower pots with our fingerprints and turned them into sea turtles and fish, since this was a big ocean year for us. I used a Q tip to make the head and legs for the turtles after their thumbprint dried and then used a purple sharpie to add the fins to the fish. I also used a green sharpie to add seaweed at the bottom and a blue sharper to add waves and bubbles!

What do you think? Think the moms and one dad will like them? Let me know in the comments!

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