May 2, 2014

May Currently

I'm linking up with Farley's Currently posts again! Watch out! I am starting May off on the right track!

LISTENING: It is raining and cooling things off here in Florida. Good thing, too, because it was getting HOT!

LOVING: I just got glasses yesterday and can't believe how different things look when I can actually see them!

THINKING: I am highly anticipating the show tonight of the musical I choreographed at the school my mom teaches at. I can't wait! I know they are going to do so well!

WANTING: I just want my new house, now! It is so big and beautiful! But the floors are getting re-done and the walls are getting painted right now... so I must wait...

NEEDING: If I'm moving in three weeks, don't you think it would be a good idea to pack? Yeah, me too...

SURPRISE: This month, the surprise is to feature a blog of my choice in my post! I am featuring A Spoonful of Learning because I am so excited for her to have won a cash prize through the Ellen Show! She was on Ellen, y'all!!!! Here's the link. A Spoonful of Learning. Or click the button below. You GOTTA watch the video at the end!

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