February 15, 2016

Some BIG News!

Happy three-day weekend, teachers! As you know, I've been slower to post on my blog lately. I have been apologizing profusely and feel like an awful blogger... but I've been keeping a secret... It's time to fill you in!

*cue suspenseful music*

That's right, folks! My husband and I are having a baby in August! We have been busy with sharing the news, doctor's appointments, and since I just finished my first trimester, let me tell ya, I haven't felt my best... So although I've been neglecting my blog a bit, now that I'm in my second trimester and feeling great (and hungry), I should be getting a bit better with posting new blog posts as well as new products.

Let's go ahead an discuss what is on your mind: "An AUGUST baby?! You're a teacher!!" Yeah, the timing isn't great. My husband and I have been trying for about a year and I seriously did not plan this timing. The due date is August 19th... which will likely be the first or second week of school where I live. It's unfortunate, but it is what it is. We are delighted to be starting our family. I've decided to take through Christmas break off from work, rather than the customary 12 weeks, because let's be real here... no teacher wants to START their year right before Thanksgiving Break. I'll spend the holidays at home, thank you. ;)

I can't wait to tell my students this week! I found a pack on Ms. DeCarbo's store that she created for her bundle of joy announcement that I snatched up that is perfect! If you want to take a look, click the image below. It's good stuff!

Thanks for understanding my absence, dear readers. I'll try to be more consistent since I don't feel like throwing up anymore (thank the Lord).

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