February 7, 2016

Oh dear...

What happened to the first week of February? Where in the WORLD did it go?? This has got to be the fastest time has flown by for me. I feel just awful about neglecting my little blog the past couple of weeks, so I thought, what better way to hop back on board than with a Sunday Scoop! It is one of my favorite linkies, after all. Thanks, Teaching Trio, for providing this one. Love it!


1. One thing you may not know about me is that I sing. I used to be a Musical Theater major but wound up finishing my college years with a degree in Education. The goal at the time was to teach theater. I fell in love with teaching and although I do teach at a community theater, I wouldn't trade my regular teaching job for the world! My mom is a song writer and she's asked me to come over to her house and record a new song. Let's hope it is a hit!

2. Nothing like waiting till the last minute, am I right? I was SO pooped at the end of last week and when my principal said "plan elsewhere" over the intercom on Friday afternoon, I bolted and took a nap. My lesson plans were put on the back burner. Gotta get them done!

3. My husband's 30th is on Friday AND our class Valentine's Day party is that day as well. I have a lot of shopping to do to get ready! Friday is going to be a big day. Stay tuned for pictures and maybe even a video. My IG and FB pages will be covered with them. :)


1. I'm working on a fun new product and I'm hoping I can squeeze some work time in today. One can only hope.

2. Bra shopping is probably one of my least favorite things to do in the entire world. But it's that time.... I hope to get it done today, but I won't be unhappy if I don't. Sigh.


1. I am just happy to be posting today! I feel so guilty for neglecting my blog for the past couple of weeks. I know that I will definitely be posting again on Friday this week. I've got some fun things to share that day!

If you are not following me on Instagram, get on it! There was a really neat Freebie loop last night that you can still snag the goodies from. Click below to follow me on IG and tap each picture to get the freebies in everyone's profiles. I got some GREAT things to add to my Valentine's Day resources that I will certainly be using this week. Have fun and happy weekend!

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