March 15, 2015

Where Have I Been? Sunday Scoop March 15

I have to apologize for my blogging absence. I have been incredibly sick the past week! I finally have my voice back and I think my body is no longer rebelling, so we will give this week a try as a completely 100% normal week (yeah, we'll see...) ;)


This being my first year teaching, it is blowing my mind that I'm thinking about next year. Of course, that's totally normal. There's a lot of prep to do and really, there's only 2 and a half more months till summer! WHAT?!

Anyone else terrible at remembering to take medicine? I've never had any medication that I've had to take regularly and sometimes when I have an antibiotic where they say with threats in their eyes, "Whatever you do, do NOT miss one!" Yeah... I'm the person they are always talking to. Hopefully I can remember them today!

Friday was a friend's birthday and I was out sick... I didn't get a chance to get her anything, but I want to! I know what I'm getting, just gotta get dressed and go. Is is sad that the hardest part is getting dressed??


I have been working on a really fun Sentence Builder pack for Spring and really need to get a move on posting it! It is almost finished, so I hope to do more with it today and upload it to my store. If you haven't seen my newest Sight Word Cut and Paste activity set, you must! It's 50% till the end of today! My upcoming Sentence Builder Packs are an extension of this Sight Word series I've been starting. Click the picture and download the preview, THERE'S A FREEBIE IN IT! :)

Even though I want to finish that product, man, do I want to play some video games! No judging, please. ;)


My brother is coming over today just to chill. I'm thinking popcorn and Netflix, but it will probably turn into popcorn and just hanging out and talking like it usually does. Love him!

Don't forget to head back over to The Teaching Trio's blog to check out more Sunday Scoops! It is my favorite linky. ;) Enjoy your weekend!

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