March 6, 2015

Five for Friday!

Wait... am I REALLY doing a Five for Friday?! Usually by the time I reach Friday I am so exhausted that literally nothing happens except for Netflix and bed. Today, however, we had a field trip and I passed out at 3:30pm immediately upon returning home and now I'm wide awake. :) Let's get this party started!

Last year, my kinders and I did a project called Seasons Photo Booths and it was a HUGE hit! This year my group is MUCH different but I decided to go for it. I am so glad I did! Basically, each small group is assigned a season and is given a poster board with a hole cut in it. They must draw the body dressed in the correct clothing for the season and give the drawing a background depicting the weather conditions for that season! It was a blast!

How cute is this Spring Photo Booth?! I love the fat rain drops.

Hard at work!

A finished Winter Photo Booth complete with adorable face!

To see the ones we created last year, click HERE for the post!

As I mentioned before, we went on a field trip today! We went to a great farm that is set up great for Kindergarten field trips. We just moved into our science unit on animals so this was a great learning experience for my kiddos. My allergies are not impressed though.

Milking a goat!

Feeding the cows!

Petting the sheep!

Feeding the chickens!

This farm also had rabbits to feed and pet and HUGE pigs! It was a lot of fun, even though the weather wasn't that great and my whole face is red and swollen now. Even my strongest allergy meds could not face the power of farm animals...

This week I worked on a little project to get a certain student more excited about Math. I have a student that is just so low that sometimes I have no idea what to do with her! But I know something about this little baby. She LOVES (and I'm talking... like... obsessed) with dinosaurs. That's right. So I purchased some adorable dinosaur clip art and made some math games for her. This weekend, I'll be printing them out and will definitely snap some pictures. I posted it in my TpT store as well and I love it! Click the images below to see it up close and with more description.

If you don't know already, I teach classes at a community theater after school once or twice a week. I originally went to school for theater and discovered I would much rather teach than perform... so I went for Education! Best decision I have ever made!!

Well, I don't know if there is something in the water lately, but I have been getting AMAZING students sign up for these classes this semester! The last class that finished up was a mime class called "It's Not Yours, It's MIME!" and it was a small class of 7 girls. I can't tell you how much I looked forward to getting together with these little ladies each and every week! I only snapped one photo unfortunately but it was so cute! We did a showcase at the end of the class's 5 weeks and we had family members volunteer for a miming game called Model, Artist, Clay. I had one itty bitty 4 year old student in the mix of all the 7-10 year olds that begged to do the class with her big sister. How could I say no?! She was wonderful. And take a look at this height difference! Hehe!

Now I'm working on a performance class called Thoroughly Modern Musicals and I have 16 sudents age 7-11. They are so enthusiastic, it blows my mind! I had 3 students so excited about this class that they looked up "thoroughly" in the dictionary to be sure they were ready. LOVE!

Getting to that time again where we try to catch those pesky leprechauns! I can't wait to see what kinds of traps the kids bring in! Here are some photos of what happened last year. Click any of the photos to see the full post.

(pistachio pudding... aka Magic Leprechaun Food)


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