January 25, 2015

Sunday Scoop 1-25-15

Can you believe we are already 25 days into a new year?! I will have to say that this year I am doing a pretty good job remembering to write 2015 on things instead of 2014. I have impressed myself. ;)

Time for a Sunday Scoop! If you haven't checked out The Teaching Trio, you MUST! One of my favorite blogs to follow. :)


1. I know I'm not the only teacher that goes in on the weekends. My husband thinks I'm crazy, but I sometimes LOVE going in on a Sunday to get things ready and prepared for the little nuggets to come learn with me. And this week, I am changing the way I implement centers. This year, my day's schedule is so strange and my ELA block is split in half. I feel like I can't get nearly as much done, so I'm changing it all up and I cannot be more excited. I will write a blog post about it when I take some pictures of the kiddos getting used to the change and working hard.

2. I'm making one of our favorite recipes today (and by me, I also mean my hubby, who does most of the cooking around here...). It is a vegetarian spinach lasagna and it is AMAZING. Here's the link. You gotta try it! CLICK HERE.

3. It is kind of weird I guess that "wash my hair" is on my "have to do" list. Let me explain. I have weird hair for a white girl (lol). It isn't very thick but it looks really thick (don't shoot me...) and it is curly/wavy and pretty long these days. Well, I have the dryest hair ever. It dries out and breaks if I wash it too much and it doesn't get oily or greasy until like Day 6 of not washing it. So today makes Day 7 of not washing it... so it is on my list of things I HAVE to do... I guess if I do it over the weekend, I'll have a week of early mornings without having to! If you have long hair like me, you know it takes a little while to get it clean and styled. Comment below if you do the same things as me. I'm interested to hear if ya'll have dry hair like me!


1. I spent money on a center bundle that I'm stoked about. I don't normally buy big things on TpT because to save money I can usually make it myself, but it was on sale and I had a lot of TpT credits. More on this in a future post...

2. I FINALLY started Written in My Own Heart's Blood by Diana Gabaldon. She is my all-time favorite author and the Outlander series is my all-time favorite book series! And now, it is my all-time favorite TV series, too! WIMYHB came out last year and I was just so busy and stressed with my new job as a first year kindergarten teacher that I couldn't give it the attention it deserved. Now that I'm in the swing of things and I feel like I'm not planning every second of every day, I can finally sit down and read. Well, sometimes. Today, I simply HOPE I can... :)


1. Ahhhhhhh, coffeeeeeeee.

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