January 26, 2015

Movie Clip Monday: How Do Plants Grow?

You know I love linkies, right? Of course you do! The Techie Turtle Teacher has an awesome one going on over at her blog all about video clips, which I use frequently in my classroom. Short videos are great to get kids' attention and in Kindergarten they totally think it is a treat to watch a "movie" at school (even if it is only 3 minutes long...).

Here's a current favorite right now: How Do Plants Grow? by Hoopla Kids (we are studying plants right now in science!)

The thing I love the most about this little clip is the science experiment at the end, which of course the kids begged me to do! And we did! We even used blue food coloring and the same kind of flowers as the video just to be sure it was the same experiment. ;)

I hope this little post has helped you stumble across a gem of a video clip! I know I'm finding lots of other awesome clips other teachers are using on The Techie Turtle Teacher's blog! Click the button below to go there now!

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