December 14, 2014

Oh Dear...

I have been away from my blog for FAR too long! How many of you are pulling your hair out right now with the craziness that is December? *raises hand*

My school participates in something called VSA (Very Special Arts). Our school has a large population of ESE students and in Florida, VSA is the state organization on arts and disability. Every year there is a theme for the school and we decorate our rooms, have things called "art stops" where classes are scheduled for students to participate in creating and learning about the arts. Here's a link to get more information to bring it to YOUR school in Florida.

Well, because I'm an overachiever, I decided I wanted to do an art stop. What was I thinking? I'm dying over here. Well, we will just let the Sunday Scoop tell it to ya straight...

So, dear readers, there ya have it. Everything on my Sunday Scoop is something I HAVE to do, but I ran out of room at the top. Sigh. There also wasn't enough room for: creating the train video for TOMORROW, go to my mom's house to feed and take out her dog since she's enjoying herself out of town, and OH, eat something at some point today. What happened to restful Sundays? Oh, right, I'm a teacher.

Although I have been neglecting my blog a big, I have NOT been neglecting my Pinterest! Check out my Christmas and holiday boards below and don't forget to follow! I have gotten a TON of ideas this month off of Pinterest. What did teachers do before Pinterest??

Follow Amanda Smith @ Daisy Designs's board Holiday Curriculum on Pinterest. Follow Amanda Smith @ Daisy Designs's board Christmas in the Classroom Collaborative - The Teaching 2 Step on Pinterest. Follow Amanda Smith @ Daisy Designs's board Kindergarten Crafts on Pinterest.

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