December 30, 2014

Daisy Designs Top Ten Insta Pics of 2014

Anyone else ADORE Instagram? It is my favorite social networking site because the teacher bloggers I love to follow and communicate with not only post their teaching ideas and TpT products... but they post about their lives! It is a mix of professional and personal and I feel like I really get to know the people I follow #creepynotcreepy. Also, hashtags are fun.

And you know me! I'll find a linky for anything! That being said...

Thanks Teachery Tidbits for a fun linky!

Here are the top 10 Insta pics of 2014 (with their original captions and hashtags)! And all of them are from THIS school year. Interesting.

"Coming right along! What should I add around the edges to cover up the sloppy mod podge and cut edges? I'm thinking a rope light. Thoughts? #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #kindergartenjobs

This is my iPhone job chart! My kids and I LOVE it. It is an oil drip pan for your car so it's like 4 feet tall and bigger than most of my students and I have them names on magnets underneath their job for the week!

Loving my #pirateclassroom !!! #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers
This was when I finished setting up my classroom this year! In case you didn't know by now... we have a pirate room. :)

My mom and I made this dollar store creation today! Pool noodles wrapped in wood grain contact paper and a plastic table cloth as the sail. Cost me about $5! I'm obsessed with it. #craftyteacher #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #pirateclassroom

Ya'll really liked my beginning of the year posts. So far everything is from like the same week... :)

Giant mustache duct tape ten frame fun. #kinderbabies #kindergarten #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #centers

Hehe. This is one of my math centers. My kiddos love it!

I am still making it through Supernatural. I'm on season 8! #netflixingteachers @bubblyblondeteacher #teachersfollowteachers #teachersofinstagram #iteachtoo
It cracks my up that this little thing made it to my top 10 Insta Pics. Teachers love some Netflix!

I am seriously SO SICK. But I am also SO BORED. At least I can get ahead on some sight word practice sheets for the kiddos. #kindergarten #bored #iteachtoo #teacherspayteachers #teachersfollowteachers #teachersofinstagram #tpt

I remember that illness well. On the bright side, that product the sheet in this screenshot is in should be ready to be posted some time this week!

WOOOOO!!!!! 90% of my picture is hair but whatever! #cousinit #official
My first teacher badge! I was super duper excited. :)

Day 4. Joyous! Hanging up paper chain garland made by 5 year old hands. <3 <3 <3 <3 #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #iteachtoo #capturingdecember

This was part of a daily Instagram photo challenge for December (which I made it to like Day 6... so...). Day 4 was something Joyous! That paper chain garland was there the whole month and we added on to it all the time until it filled the room! The kids loved it and even though I bumped my head on it every 2 seconds, I loved it too.

#TodayISaid #iteachtoo #teacherproblems #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #whatintheworld #howisthatagoodidea? #kindergarten

Hahaha. This is another one that I can't believe made it to my top 10. In fact, 3 of these made it to the top 10, but to avoid only having these up, I chose my top one to represent them all. If you haven't looked up the Today I Said hashtag, do it now, and prepare to LAUGH until you cry.

AND NOW... my Number 1 Insta Pic for 2014...

OMG! Saw this on twitter and HAD to share! #outlander #outlanderday #outlanderwedding #bridesmaids

HAHAHAHA! You guys crack me up! THIS is my top pic?? Comment below if you understand this picture and its reference. Us fangirls gotta stick together!

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