November 23, 2014

What's the Scoop? Writing, 2 Step, and a Great Weekend!

Have you checked out The Teaching 2 Step yet?? It is the collaborative blog I am a part of and it is awesome! I have teamed up with several other fantastic teacher bloggers from all over the world and the blog is so much fun and has a TON of great ideas for your classroom.

I just made a post about writing in Kindergarten that you MUST see. Click the image below to check it out!

And click the next image to learn more about the bloggers!

I have been totally enjoying my time with The Teaching 2 Step Gals! Make sure you follow us on Pinterest and like us on Facebook! You'll be glad you did. :)

And, my favorite linky!!!

Yes, that's right... I was all prepared for my awesome Thanksgiving Writing post and my phone wouldn't even turn on today! Looks like I'll be getting my Christmas present early this year... gotta have a phone these days!

I can't wait to make Stone Soup with my kinders tomorrow! I'm bringing my crock pot and my book and we are going to make placemats! I will certainly post some pictures this week!

Does anyone else have to do a book study for professional development? The whole school, even the office staff have to read a book and meet about it a few times a month. I'm really bad about remembering to read the chapters until like the day before... so I'm hoping I can find some time to do that today instead. Crossing my fingers!

Have a great Sunday, ya'll. I have school tomorrow and Tuesday and then a glorious 5 consecutive days off! MUCH needed!

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