November 15, 2014

Sunday Scoop and Spotlight

I'm linking up twice today, people! I have been DYING to link up with Brooke over at Countless Smart Cookies for weeks now and I have been so outrageously busy that I haven't been able to! I also was VERY sick last weekend. I didn't even do my usual Sunday Scoop post! In fact, it has been over a week since I posted. I apologize. I was in bed with a fever and it was not pretty. But now that I'm feeling better, it is time to catch up on some blogging fun!

Let's start with the Scoop!

I have a lot on my plate today, folks. I was out sick for a few days last week as mentioned before, and my room is a total wreck. And since last Friday was our Fall Festival, it is in even more of a mess when I shoved everything from the festival back in my room and didn't turn back. But I'll be glad to have a nice night in front of the TV with my hubby and fur babies. <3

AND NOW... The new linky I've been so excited about!!!

Basically, I pick a product in my store to put on sale (YAY!) and "spotlight" it and I pick another teacher blogger to "spotlight" as well!

I decided to spotlight (and put on sale) an oldie but a goodie. I know I have a TON of Thanksgiving resources that my bloggy friends and fellow TpT sellers have created ready to go for this week. But the reality is... Christmas is coming soon as well and it is definitely going to sneak up on me. As much as I'd like to say I'll be prepared... I know it will catch me off guard. It always does! So, to help myself (and you, of course), start to prepare for next month, I'm putting my Christmas math pack on sale this week. These are good print and go activities that are great for morning work or centers! Patterns, glyphs, and dice games make for fun Christmas Math. ;)

Here's a preview for you! Click the images above to go to the download or click HERE.

And for my Teacher Spotlight, I'm spotlighting Brooke herself! The creator of The Sunday Spotlight and her store and blog Countless Smart Cookies! 

I chose Brooke because several months ago, I reached out to her as a fellow blogger with some questions and she was SO kind and welcoming. Ever since, we have kept in touch, sharing pins on Pinterest, sharing posts on Facebook, and every now and then sending each other a message. After all, what is teaching without collaboration?? 

Let me tell you why I reached out to Brooke in the first place.

1) Her store/blog name. Adorbs.

2) I saw on her TpT store that she is from Louisiana. Us southern folk need to stick together!

3) Her products are awesome and very well made.

4) Some of my other blogging friends had liked her on Facebook and I jumped on the band wagon and did so as well.

Check out her store for sure and make sure you follow her blog for all the other awesome Sunday Spotlight posts. I love this part of blogging. The community teachers across the world have created through this form of networking is so amazing and powerful. You are guaranteed to find some fantastic ideas and inspiration for your classroom and students by checking out her blog. Click the image above or follow the links below.

Countless Smart Cookies BLOG
Countless Smart Cookies TPT STORE
Countless Smart Cookies FACEBOOK

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