June 10, 2014

Not Sure What Happened To My Blog...

Hello readers... I just want to post a quick note to you all about WHAT the HECK is going on with my blog?? All of a sudden, my background disappeared today. I initially thought it was my browser, so I tried other browsers and still got the same issue. Then all of a sudden, my blog started reverting back to a Blogger default template and it looks terrible.

I unfortunately, do not have the time to dedicate to fixing it quickly, so I will start piddling with it as quickly as I can and get it back to normal. In the mean time, sorry for the horrible mess it has become! Maybe it is a sign that I should hire a designer. I've been trying to scramble a little money together for it but have been putting it off.

If you have had this issue, please let me know what you did to resolve it. If not, just be patient and know that I am working on it but am a crazy busy lady! Sigh...

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