June 14, 2014

A Much Needed Blog Makeover!

Alright, ladies and gents... I started the blog makeover process.

It is still a work in progress but I am so happy with it right now, I could cry.

I figured out the problem I was having last week, for those of you who are aware (if not, read my last post... I was a grumpy cat that day for sure). The site that was hosting the pre-made template I had installed was suspended so everything started disappearing. I was really down in the dumps but I had to get over it quick, because the only option I had was to start from scratch... I had considered hiring someone, but I am not yet ready to take the plunge into paying a blog designer. I want to so badly! But money is tight and I can't justify it (yet!). So because of my limited knowledge and skills, pre-made templates and backgrounds are my friends. I found a background I LOVE, but it did not come with a pre-made header (or anything for that matter... it is just the background). I decided to try my hand at making my own. I mean, I can make my own teaching resources... why can't I make a header?? At least I'm starting small right?

Well, it went well, thanks to a few tutorials I found online and the result right up there at the top of my page! I like it's simplicity and it's cohesiveness with the pre-made background I downloaded. I am pleased so far and feel like I just conquered the world! The next improvement I'll be tackling are the navigation tabs which are currently missing.

Let me know what you think! Hopefully good things! Thanks for your patience, readers!

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