May 22, 2014

Think About It Thursday: Summer Reading

I'm linking up with Comprehension Connection again this week for the Think About It Thursday linky because the topic is summer reading! Ah, summer reading...

My "to-read" list is ALWAYS a mile long and I can never seem to read books fast enough to knock through my list! However, it is always satisfying to add a book to my reading list and even more satisfying to say that I finished it and I loved/hated it. :)

My summer has already kind of started because this year I was a student teacher. Because the university's school year is shorter than elementary school, I finished on April 25th. So I am almost done with my first summer reading book:

I am excited to share this list with you! Please comment and leave recommendations of books if you have them. I am always adding to my never ending "to-read" list!

1. The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett

About two weeks ago, the library in my county was having a book sale, getting rid of books for almost NOTHING! I got there late so they were picked over, but it was better that way because the man came in and said, "Whatever you can fit in these brown paper bags you can have for a dollar." Needless to say, I grabbed up a few bags. I would up leaving with almost 70 books (mostly for my classroom) for $3! One of the books I picked up has been on my "to-read" list for a very long time, so I decided to start it. I am almost finished with it already and it is awesome! I was just telling my husband that last night when I was reading it, I literally let out an audible "Oh no!" and had to put the book down after looking at the clock and seeing 1:45 am... So far... it is one I have difficulty putting down.

2. From STEM to STEAM by David A. Sousa & Tom Pilecki

Starting June 17th, I will be teaching a middle school and high school summer camp at the college in my town. It is the first time I am teaching there and want to make a good impression. This is an all day camp of which I will be responsible for the morning sessions. I am in charge of teaching the Arts portion of this STEAM camp and want to make sure I am integrating the arts into the other sessions they are working in: Science, Math, and Technology. This book was lent to me and so far is GREAT for my purpose.

3. The Executioner's Song by Norman Mailer

Another book I picked up at the library sale, The Executioner's Song is another old "to-read" book of mine. It's a heavy hardback book with almost 1100 pages... totally my style. ;)

4. Written in My Own Heart's Blood by Diana Gabaldon

I saved the best for last, although I will probably be reading this book the day it comes out on June 5th! I am a HUGE fan of the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. It has been 5 years since the next installment and it comes out in a couple of weeks!!! There is also a TV show starting on STARZ very soon and I am SO READY. I am not a person who re-reads books often because I feel like there are so many things I want to read that I don't want to "waste" my time with one I've read before. But this series is one of my two exceptions (the other being The Bronze Horseman series by Paullina Simons... seriously, look it up. It will blow your mind.). I am beyond thrilled for this one and will probably knock it out in a couple of days.... CAN'T WAIT ANY LONGER!

So there ya have it, folks! My summer reading list! If I knock out Written in My Own Heart's Blood as quickly as I think I will, I may be adding another to this list... I just haven't decided on it yet. ;)

Happy reading! And happy summer!!

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