May 24, 2014

Social Networking OVERLOAD!

I am really enjoying my whole experience with blogging and networking on Teacherspayteachers, but what I have discovered is that if I want to continue to grow and reach people and meet other teachers... I have to network even MORE! A couple of months ago, I created a Daisy Designs Facebook page. I transformed my Pinterest from just a personal Amanda Smith profile to a Daisy Designs profile and made it look pretty. ;) I have been having a BLAST on Pinterest ever since!

I have also had a Twitter account for Daisy Designs since February or so and haven't really paid much attention to it. I am just now discovering how much fun it is, though, and plan to spend a lot more time on it now that I understand how to use it (LOL). So if you are on Twitter, I'd like to follow you! So follow me on Twitter and tweet me @DaisyDesignsTpT and I will totally follow you back!

And now... to the REALLY fun one that I am just falling in love with... Instagram. I apparently had an Instagram a couple of years ago and had like 12 pictures on it, so I just transformed my existing abandoned account into a Daisy Designs account so it is easier to connect. I was hesitant to join this one because I'm not really that good at remembering to take pictures (or remembering even to bring my phone with me anywhere...), but since I want to get better at it in preparation for my first year teaching, I thought I should practice over the summer. I will warn you now, most of my pictures for the summer are of my dogs, food, and the new house. 

So let's get the ball rolling! What's your favorite social network? Use your favorite to tell me including #teachernetworking so I can find you!

PINTEREST (pin the photo below and type in hashtag)
Or any others I don't know about!

Share this with your other teacher friends!

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