July 21, 2016

The Seven Truths of Not Teaching for a Year

I am currently approaching 37 weeks of pregnancy in the Florida heat. I am pretty ready for this baby boy to come on, but as the beginning of the school year approaches... I can't help but feel a bit sad that I won't be there. My husband and I made the decision that I will stay home throughout the entirety of this school year. Here are my thoughts on the matter:

1. Feeling the "back to school" envy.
All the sales, all the Facebook and Instagram posts, all the adorable things at the Target Dollar Spot...

A photo posted by PeppyZestyTeacherista (@peppyzestyteacherista) on

A photo posted by Lawren | TN Teacher 🍎 (@teachingisaroyaladventure) on

I want all the notebooks!!!

And my all time favorite thing to do is get my classroom lookin' shnazzy! At least I have the baby's nursery to decorate.

2. That glorious Back to School TpT Sale that usually happens...
My TpT Wishlist always seems to be multiple pages long. At least I can still snag some good deals on Clipart, right? I would like to just go ahead and buy ALL THE THINGS, but money is better spent elsewhere right now. Sigh.

3. Missing the team.
Everyone has a TBFF, right?? I saw that term on Kindergarten Smorgasboard's blog once and it's definitely April and me. If you don't have a TBFF (Teacher Best Friend Forever), you need one STAT! <3 Going to miss her this year. She better not replace me!

Look at her, checkin' in on me and stuff. Feeling so loved. <3 

4. Missing out on the excitement of a new year with new kiddos.
I LOVE the first week of school! I love the excitement of all the students and I even love the monotony of teaching routines and procedures a bazillion times in one week. But I'll especially miss the fist-bumping and high-fives morning welcome I do with my students as they enter.

5. My friends won't be able to text me back until the end of the day.
What is this?? I won't be able to talk to anyone until 3pm?? I officially feel bad for my best friend Heather who is a stay at home mom for all the times I couldn't text her back until after work.

Oh... and there's also this...

6. My cute teacher clothes are being neglected.
I've been pregnant since November, people. Granted, my regular clothes fit fine until about March, but still... I haven't been able to look real cute in some time, because pregnancy got me feeling like...

And now, another year of my clothes collecting dust. Oh well, at least I'll have some time to lose some of the baby weight so that they'll fit next year...

7. But it's all worth it.
There's a reason this is the best decision right now. Whatever your reason is to take some time off, it's worth it.

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