July 29, 2016

Oh Baby! A Giveaway!

I'm 38 weeks pregnant today, people. Where did the time go?? I'm seriously melting in this Florida heat and SO READY to have this baby. Not much longer! It's so worth it.

All that being said, I know it is seriously time for some Back to School shopping! I can't believe I won't be joining in this year, but that doesn't mean I can't help celebrate! So I've decided to do a giveaway!

I'm giving away a $10 Teachers Pay Teachers giftcard (I think there's a sale coming up! *wink) and a copy of this year's edition of my FAVORITE binder pack! It's 114 pages of pure organization glory...

Enter below and tell your friends! And let's hope I'll have some cute baby pictures to share out soon. :)

WE HAVE A WINNER! GIVEAWAY IS CLOSED! Thank you to everyone who entered. Be sure to check back for more giveaways and freebies!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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