May 15, 2016

What Worked: An End of the Year Linky

This is the time of year when I spend a lot of time thinking back throughout the year and reflect on what worked and what didn't work. This helped me tremendously last year in preparation for this year and I expect it to do the same for me in the years to come. Last year, I taught Kindergarten and had a lot to reflect on. This year, I was moved to Second Grade and I have even MORE to reflect on! Changing grade levels is tough, but it was an amazing move for me. I adore Second Grade and can't wait to teach it again next year.

As I'm reflecting this year and making lists of things that did and did not work, I decided that it is a great time to share the things that DID work for my class this year. Of course, they may not work the same way next year with a different bunch of kiddos, but they are noteworthy and definitely worth trying again. So here's the plan! Each week for the next five weeks, I'll be sharing my best practices on the dear old blog here and am opening it up for other bloggers to link their blog posts below on their's! Check out the schedule below so you don't miss out on one you want read up on.

This Wednesday, I'm starting with my FAVORITE! I absolutely loved using Interactive Science Notebooks with my class this year and cannot imagine teaching without it. Come back on Wednesday to read all about how I use Science Notebooks in my class and see what worked and what didn't work. 

If you are a blogger and would like to join the fun, be sure to read up on the information below:

1) Must include the What Worked Schedule in each post that links back to Daisy Designs.
2) Links MUST be to BLOG POSTS relating to the topic of each week. NO PRODUCT LINKS. Product links and photos are totally okay within your blog post, but not as a link in the linky.
3) Check out the other bloggers' posts and comment on the one posted before yours.

Here are the photos to get your started for the first link-up!

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