May 1, 2016

The Last Currently

Happy Sunday, readers! I am joining Farley in one of my favorite linkies, but the sad news is that is the LAST Currently link-up! Let me start by saying, thank you Farley for offering this linky for so long. I started blogging 2 years ago and it helped me connect with other bloggers, make friends, and gave me the opportunity to sponsor one of your Currently posts.

This made me think so much about my year and how many changes are headed my way. And they are good changes! Sometimes we all need a change and to move on to something new. I'll be moving onto motherhood and taking time off of work. My blog will be gaining some attention as well as my TpT store and I just can't wait to get started.

That being said, here's the last Currently post from Daisy Designs!

The best part about today is that we got the crib built and the dresser all ready to be used! Now we just need to get literally EVERYTHING else and then the baby can come. Yeah... he can take his time. We are so not ready yet. <3

Tell me, what big changes are you facing this year? Comment below!

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