March 13, 2016

Sunday Scoop: The Feeling Better Edition

Thank the heavens that I am feeling more like myself today. I was out for an entire week last week! I originally went to the ER and was told I had the flu! I went because I'm also pregnant, you see, and having a high fever that Tylenol doesn't help... insert panic stricken face here. After my trip to the ER, I wasn't feeling better at ALL, so I followed my gut and went back to my regular doctor who graciously squeezed me in. Turns out... I did NOT have the flu, but a really bad upper respiratory infection that was on the fast track to pneumonia! Yikes. I miss my students terribly and hate that an entire week was wasted on sub plans. :(

Either way... I am feeling much better! And with feeling better comes inspiration to blog and create, which is how I have spent my Sunday so far!

I have felt so much better that I FINALLY was able to finish up a work in progress! This summer I'll be watching my best friend's little guy and he is obsessed with trains! So I created this little set up for him to play with this summer. I am so excited to share it! It is also HALF OFF for the next 48 hours so check it out or pin it for later! Click the pictures below to head there now!

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