October 25, 2015

Sunday Scoop and Lots of Excitement!

Can't forget one of my favorite linkies! Thanks, Teaching Trio!


I was a smart cookie and did most of my lesson plans last week. Just need to finish up a few things that I didn't have time for and send them on to admin. Woo-hoo! Feeling good!

I have been amazing at the gym lately... which is great considering all the crappy food I've been eating....

If you haven't heard, today is the first official Daisy Dollar Day! Click the images below to go to the original blog post and see what I've got cooking for only $1 today!


I have been reading the same book for so long because I just can't seem to get a good reading schedule down. It doesn't help that I am so pooped after work that when I do start to read, I'm so relaxed that I immediately fall asleep!

That being said, let's watch Gilmore Girls instead! ;)


TWD is back and I am SO EXCITED!!!!! Episode 3 tonight!!!

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