October 11, 2015

Another Sunday Another Scoop

Thank you as always to The Teaching Trio for one of my favorite linkies!

HAVE TO: The other day was my best friend Heather's birthday! I made her what we call a "Loot Crate." My husband and I came up with the idea and modeled it after the popular subscription box Loot Crate. Basically I make a box of surprise items that my best friend will totally love. My husband and I did it for our anniversary and the opening of said loot crates is on YouTube:

HOPE TO: I have such a fun Science unit in the making and I am ALMOST done!!! Here's a sneak peek I posted on Instagram the other day. I am totally in love with it and can't wait to share the finished product (hopefully today?!).

A photo posted by Amanda Smith - Daisy Designs (@daisydesignstpt) on

HAPPY: My baby puppy has an allergic reaction to something or something like that. She doesn't feel well now and is under the influence of puppy Benadryl. There's a picture on my husband's phone that I'll post to my Instagram when he wakes up ;) So make sure you follow my Instagram!

Happy Sunday, ya'll!

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