July 4, 2015

July Currently!

Thanks, Farley, for another monthly Currently! What are ya'll up to this 4th of July?!

My best friend Heather and I switched tunes the other day and we are addicted to music right now. As I type this, CAKE is on, which makes me so happy because my CAKE collection didn't make it to my computer years ago. 

I'm pretty sure this section of the Currently is always COFFEE.

My holiday is pretty lame this year. I usually get together with family and/or friends and do the whole fireworks thing, but I am thoroughly EXHAUSTED. Yesterday ended the first week of the summer theater production that I am directing AND choreographing. Basically that means that Monday through Friday, I am dancing, directing, playing, jumping, exercising, and having a ball with 25ish kids from 9-4:30 and then dancing again from 6-8 with the teenagers. Soooooo, I'm going to celebrate America from the comfort of my home and love me some Netflix.

All that being said in the THINKING section, I am making myself go to the gym this morning but the usual 24 hour gym is only open till 1pm today for the holiday, so I'm waking up, having my coffee and breakfast, and getting there. I hate it now, but I will be proud of myself later. I wish I was more of a morning person. If I could manage getting to the gym at midnight, I would prefer it over any time before noon....

Dear Lord, my allergies are serious today. Living in Florida during the summer, means huge afternoon storms every. single. day. These storms stir up everything I'm allergic to and man, did I wake up with a bad case of the scratchy throat today!

I am an all-star at getting things done last minute. Seriously. And I'm not talking about throwing things together last minute. I'm talking about completing things that should take several days in a few hours and fooling the people around me that I did in fact spend a entirety on it. I can plan an entire summer camp in a couple of hours. I can choreograph multiple dances and remember them without writing them down (most of the time) in a couple of hours. In my high school and college days, I could write an A+ paper in less than an hour while my friends slaved at their laptops for days. It can be a pretty handy dandy skill. But, I will tell you, I get a little stressed when I'm doing it. I don't usually fail at this last minute thing, but I can't say it's never happened before lol.

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