June 15, 2015

Teacher Quirks

Hey ya'll! I'm back with more link-up fun for the summer! I'm linking up with Miss Monica over at I Heart Grade 3 with her great summer weekly link-up.

Each week she has given a topic to blog about and this week's is "My Teaching Quirks." Oh dear...

Although the image says "Quirk" like a singular quirk... I am posted 3, which in all honesty are not just teaching quirks... I just notice them more when I'm teaching. These are more like warnings and disclaimers people should be exposed to before becoming friends with me...

Fortunately, my students really seem to like this quirk. They try to duplicate some of my silly faces, which has made for some GREAT photos of life in my classroom. Sometimes, I've noticed though that this affects people's ability to take me seriously, so it is something I'm working on. Oops... I just made another one... Dagnabbit, I did it again!

Of course, the movies and games I'm referring to are all appropriate, since the movies I watch in my down time as an adult are basically all cartoons... I did a lot of talking like Mario from Super Mario Bros. this past year. One time though, I said, "I need more cowbell!" and the volunteer in my classroom and I had a good laugh. The kids had no clue what I was talking about, so I saved their impression of me by making a silly face. Ya know... all in a day's quirk! ..... I should have put "I'm a punny teacher" as one of my quirks...

This also goes pretty well with an elementary school classroom as most of my students are the same! It also means my back hurts when I get home and rest it. A wiggly teacher with scoliosis makes for some annoying back pain.

So what are your quirks? Link up with I Heart Grade 3 and/or check out the other teacher bloggers who are linking up!

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