June 21, 2015

Sunday Scoop Summer Style!

Well, because it is Father's Day, I was not on top of my game this morning with my favorite weekly linky! Ahhh! I'm a bit late, but here ya go!

Thank you The Teaching Trio for this fun link-up!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Father's Day! My dad was in town to visit and we all had breakfast together. My husband snapped this picture of us and I'm hoping it will be the memorial image of my dad's hippie hair. It's driving me crazy. Retirement in Florida does crazy things to people! ;)

My shirt's pretty cool, though.

Happy Father's Day!

I also snuck by my mom and stepdad's house today and have to squeeze a picture of Ralph, my stepdad in. This is our "mafia" look from my wedding.


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