June 9, 2015

I'm Back In Time for a MEGA Birthday Giveaway!

Hey ya'll! I just got back from an AMAZING cruise! I would have posted about this yesterday, but wasn't yet in town. Here I am, just in time to help by good friend Celeste celebrate her birthday! And leave it to Celeste to organize a MEGA Birthday Giveaway and blog hop! Holy cow, there's a lot to win in this one!

Before I get to the giveaways, here's a quick Currently for June. Ya know, on June 9th... Don't judge me! I was on a cruise! :P

Thanks for the super fun monthly link-up, Farley from Oh Boy Fourth Grade!

And now for the birthday girl! Happy birthday Celeste! You HAVE to check out this blog hop! There are classroom ideas, summer recipes, freebies, and like I said before... a MEGA huge giveaway!

Let's get this party started!

Who uses GoNoodle in their classroom? If you don't, GO THERE NOW! It is a classroom favorite and it is SO wonderful! It's full of great (long and short) brain breaks and indoor recess videos to get the wiggles out of your students. I even use the indoor recess videos for compliment parties sometimes! They LOVE it!

Well, I have a great idea for your summer with the kiddos. I sent home a letter over the summer to the parents that will allow students to use GoNoodle at home! Boy, were they excited... And one student said, "I want to make my OWN GoNoodle." How cool is that?! Over this summer, I will be working at a community theater and thought, how neat would it be to create our own dance video or silly song to sing and dance to? This summer, you can do this at home! Kids can choose music and get super creative making a video for their own GoNoodle. Give it a try, and let me know how it is working for you! In case you need some inspiration, here's one of my class's favorite GoNoodles!

Skip to about a minute in. This is the version on YouTube and it's not as good as GoNoodle!

The summer can be worrisome with that summer slide! Don't let your kiddos lose what they learned this year! There are TONS of educational games out there that your kids won't even know that they are practicing valuable skills. I have a freebie in my store that is such a fun learning activity to pull out and practice basic subtraction. It combines a very lovable book character, too! Pete the Cat! We use buttons as our manipulatives to go with Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons, but you can use almost anything! Click the images below to go to the download. There are ideas for use in the download as well to get you started!


And now for the BIG giveaways! You can enter here from my blog as well as any other blogger who linked up!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Make sure you click the other links in the link-up to snag all of your other summer ideas, freebies, and recipes! Thanks for stopping by!

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