June 19, 2015

Another Makeover!

This week has been Makeover Madness week and I am loving it! I have been working really hard on getting my binder cover sets (three total) redone AND planning pages added to go with them! If you don't know already, I made these cover sets about a year and half ago for myself and two friends to use for our first year teaching, but we need a change! I already updated my namesake, the "Amanda" Edition... so here's.... drumroll, please! The "Calli" Edition!!

It went from THIS

to THIS!

This one did not change as drastically as the "Amanda" Edition did because the colors and patterns worked SO well together. I consulted Calli and added the flowers at the bottom as well as some bolder lines to make things POP! I LOVE it! I kind of even love it more than my own version!

And just like the "Amanda" Edition, the "Calli" Edition comes in a Covers Only set (which is 50% off through the weekend) and now it also comes in a FULL 116 page planning package (which is also on sale!). Click the images below to check them out! I also have images below of the "Amanda" Edition so you can compare and see which one suits you best. 

FULL pack!



Covers ONLY

Want a sneak peek of the "Susannah" Edition? Head over to my Facebook page to see a follower only sneak peek image of the Earth tone pack I made for my pal Susannah! The full pack will be updated this weekend! ;)

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