May 25, 2015

Summer Link-Up: Goals!

Here I am! Don't fret! I haven't disappeared off the face of a planet as it may seem with the lack of blogging I've been doing. I have to fill you in that at the theater I work for, we just had our first wave of auditions for the highly sought after spots in the summer shows.... I'm POOPED. This long weekend is just what I needed after a week of 14 hour days...

So here I am! Blogging again! And I found a really fun link-up over at I Heart Grade 3!

It's her first link-up as host, so make sure you head over to her blog and check it out! It is going to be a lot of fun. Every Monday throughout the summer, teachers like yourself will be posting about different topics. Although next Monday is the last Monday of school for me, I'm going to go ahead and start... my mind is totally already on summer anyway...

Today's topic is my goals for the summer! I always give myself too many... but here are a few!

1) Some Professional Development:
I have two books on my to-read list. I want to re-read The Daily 5 and implement it for the first time in my new second grade classroom next year. I also would like to read Teach Like A Pirate for the first time. The Daily 5 is priority, so if I don't make it to Teach Like A Pirate until the start of school, no biggie! I also signed up for a few trainings in my county. I'll be getting a Smart Board for the first time next year, so I gotta learn how to use it!!

2) Update! Create!
I need to update some of my products in my store and create some new ones to reflect my new grade level of second grade! I have so many ideas written down... In fact, my husband got me this little journal a while back (I'm an avid journaler... if that's even a word...) and I decided to use this one for my ideas. Can't wait to have time to work on them!

3) Get Organized!
This school year was interesting for me: I was a first year Kindergarten teacher in a portable with no storage and we moved into a new home. I'm feeling VERY disorganized... However, next year I will be in a classroom with more storage than I can fathom (seriously... I will totally post pictures in August) and I need to get organized. My Pinterest is overflowing with ideas I want to try, so organizing myself for next year is one of my biggest summer goals! My house is still not very organized either. Well, it is... but not very efficiently organized. I've got my work cut out for me. My school has had me start packing boxes to move, even though I still have students in my room for another 7 days. I went in yesterday over the weekend to start packing. My students are going to freak out! 

I'm going to miss that little sail in my reading corner, although my Adventure sign is a little wompy these days...

4) Not really a goal per say... but I need to R&R...
I will be spending my free time reading, coloring/drawing/doodling, journaling, and playing some much missed video games....

What are your summer goals? Comment below to share with me, or if you have your own blog, write up a post and link up with I Heart Grade 3! Here's the summer line-up on topics we'll be sharing!

Thanks for stopping by!

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