May 2, 2015

It's Currently May!

May is here! That means Mother's Day crafts, my dad's birthday, and an entire month of testing... My kinders have AIMSWeb testing, FSAs (writing assessments) and 6 days of LEOCEs (Florida's end of year exams). It's nuts! Anyway, I'm starting off May super sick and in bed, but at least I'm linking up for a currently! Woo-hoo!

My summer YES, HOPE, and DREAM:

Yes: We are going on a cruise on June 4th! That's my last teacher work day and so when I leave from school, I'm going straight to hopping on a boat! The perks of living in Florida! The port is only an hour or so away.

Hope: I will be working at the community theater all summer, so it won't feel like so much of a break. I just hope it doesn't fly by. 

Dream: My county just decided to alter the calendar they published for school starting a week earlier! That means my summer (which is already shorter than most counties), will be another week shorter. We get out of school June 4th and teachers now go back August 10 instead of the 17th. Sad day.

Thanks Farley, for hosting this fun linky. Always look forward to linking up! Click her button below to see all the other awesome link-ups!

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