November 2, 2014

November Currently: My Favorite Month!

Thank you, Oh Boy 4th Grade for hosting one of my favorite linkies! I love this one for my FAVORITE month!

Listening: I went with the quiet route this Sunday morning and there are some birds chirping outside and the weather is nice and cool! Sigh... I love it!

Loving: I went out to breakfast with my hubby yesterday and noticed they had some pumpkin spice creamers at the table.... I took two... and they are delicious. Thank you, International Delight.

Thinking: My ankle STILL freaking hurts! I sprained it when I was teaching the kiddos how to jump rope (obviously not well).

It. Hurt.
It is much better now, but it still hurts! And this was on October 15th!

Wanting: Wouldn't it be nice if there was something that existed to give you an extra hour of sleep in your day every year.... Oh... wait... Thank you, Daylight Savings Time!

Needing: A pedicure! My toes are all kinds of wompy, especially after the ankle sprain and wearing a brace and tennis shoes for the past half a month! Tomorrow is my birthday... maybe I'll treat myself.

Reading: The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. This is a book I snatched at a library sale for a penny and so far it is pretty good! Not what I expected at all, which is sometimes a nice surprise.

Are you wondering why November is my favorite month?? Well, I LOVE Thanksgiving, buuuutttt...

HOORAY! Make sure you come back tomorrow for the beginning of a pretty epic birthday week!

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