November 1, 2014

It's Almost Here!

Hey ya'll! It is almost my birthday!!! AHHH! I will be 27 on Monday, November 3rd and will be celebrating with... wait for it... a WEEK of flash freebies, dollar deals, and end it all with a giveaway!

But first...

Well, 20 years ago, I was 7! Here's me when I was 7! That was my favorite dress of all time. The bottom skirt part that you can't see matched that blue and white polka dot pattern. So me.

And 10 years ago, I was 17, so here's me when I was 17! I remember when this was taken! I was at the hotel at The Florida State Thespian Festival! So much fun!!!

Stay tuned for a picture of me when I'm 27! I have a couple more days of 26...

And now to the good stuff...

I am so excited for next week! Each day there will be a different set of dollar deals in my store. They will be only $1 for 24 hours and then followed by a different set of products on sale for $1 the next day. There will also be a different FLASH FREEBIE everyday through Saturday! On top of that, there will be a giveaway going on for a K-2 product pack donated by some awesome TpT sellers and bloggers! The giveaway will begin on Monday and the winner will be drawn on Saturday night/Sunday morning.

So mark your calendars for Monday, November 3rd! 

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