November 28, 2014

A is for....

I actually had a hard time coming up with something for A! But once I saw what Blog Hoppin' blogger Elizabeth posted... I knew that was what I was thankful for, too!

I am a READER. I would read all day, except when I'm tired reading is so relaxing that it makes me fall asleep... and these days... I'm tired a lot!

Do you follow me on Good Reads? I love Good Reads for books reviews and finding a new book I hadn't heard of. Follow me here!

I am currently reading The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova. It is one of those books I picked up for a penny at a library sale! It is pretty good so far! I am about half way through.

Here's a Pinterest board of my favorite books as well as books for my classroom and books that I want/need to read! Enjoy!

Follow Amanda Smith @ Daisy Designs's board Bookworm on Pinterest.

And make sure you check out all of the other thankful posts at Blog Hoppin'!

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