September 21, 2014

Tap Tunes

If you do not know already, I teach at the local community theater in my town. I was basically raised there when my mom worked as the music director for 13 years. 13 years, 4 main-stage musicals and usually 2 children's shows per year... that makes 78 (give or take depending on the year) musicals that my mom directed the music for... which means I saw all of them MANY MANY times.

You'd think I'd be sick of it! But, no really, it's like home. I have taught the after-school classes and summer camps there for years now, and this year isn't different in that regard...

It IS different this year though! This has been the first year that we've offered an adult tap dance class! We offered an adult tap workshop earlier this year in March that was very successful and a SUPER SUCCESSFUL summer tap class (no joke... 40 people...)! I was thrilled to have that much response and the feedback has been nothing but positive, so the theater is now asking me back to teach a beginner level adult tap class for the fall.

Last Monday was my first class with this new group of students and there are 10 in the class. For this type of class, that is a great number of students! Not too many, not too few. I didn't have a lot planned because I needed to meet the students and figure out their levels (sound familiar? Yep! Same goes for tap dancing!). Now that I know that everyone except for 2 students have never had tap shoes on in their lives, I can choreograph a dance!

Truly, the hardest part of this is picking a song...

I'm between the following:

Fever by Patti Drew
Did You Get My Message? by Jason Mraz
Is This How You Feel? by The Preatures
My Type by Saint Motel

Take a listen to those and vote! I'd love to hear which one is your favorite!

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