August 5, 2014

My Amazing Week

What an amazing week so far and it is ONLY Tuesday!! Yesterday began the super fun Back to School Sale on TpT and I was able to get a lot of good deals (as you already know from my previous post)! I also am feeling so blessed and extremely fortunate to have such a fantastic team of teachers on my side at my new job.

Sunday I attended the youth production of an incredibly difficult musical called "13" at The Ocala Civic Theater and it was nothing short of impressive. I was blown away. The entire cast was made up of kids from 7th-11th grade and it was professional grade. Congratulations cast and crew on a spectacular run!!

Yesterday I spent all day in my classroom working hard! My supervising teacher from my internship was so sweet and she came to help me for a few hours! It was nice to see her and catch up. It was so neat to see her get excited that I'm teaching Kindergarten! I also had a chance to go to other classrooms, one of which was being pretty much gutted after a teacher moved across country and didn't want to take all of her classroom things with her. You can see where this is headed... I inherited some AWESOME classroom supplies for free that will help me tremendously. I can't believe my luck! I didn't snap any photos, but plan to tomorrow when I go back to work.

Why didn't I go in today you ask? Well, that's because today is my one year wedding anniversary! My first anniversary, ya'll! My hubby and I had an incredible lunch at a local restaurant called The Ivy House and it was nothing short of fantastic. If you are ever in the Ocala area, it is a must go. It seems fancy and expensive because of the decor, the building, and the quality of the food, but it was very affordable and we stuffed our faces!!

When we first started dating almost 6 years ago, Ryan took me to a restaurant called Ipanema and called ahead to see if they could surprise me with anything special. Apparently they were known for their pretty calligraphy on the plates of desserts, so he went with that on a delicious slice of caramel cheesecake. Well, today he asked for the same at a different restaurant. He explained to me later that when he asked they were reluctant to do so because they never really did it before. But they pulled through. They made an exception for us and while it wasn't script writing or a work of art, I was so touched and felt so special during our lunch. And the chocolate cake was the best chocolate cake I've ever had in my life... and I don't say that lightly. It might be worth just coming to Ocala for that one piece of cake, so come visit!

Camera phones have come a long way, wouldn't you say?

In addition to taking me out to a delicious lunch, Ryan also surprised me with more flowers than I've ever been given before! Look at this loot!

That little white paper says, "PS Check the fridge..." where I found cheesecake!

It has been such a wonderful week so far and it will keep on going that way, too. Tomorrow I go back to work on my glorious pirate classroom and Thursday I begin my New Hire Orientation with all the other friends of mine that I graduated with a few short months ago.

Here's to a great year!

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