July 1, 2014

July Currently and Teachers of Summer on Instagram!

It makes me so sad that I missed the June currently. June was INSANE. Between a different summer camp every week (and one week with 2 camps everyday...) and the move to the new house, June FLEW BY! The contractor who we hired to remodel the "new" (new-to-us) house, took FOREVER. And he's still not done! Of course, he says he is, but there are so many little things that need to be addressed. We were supposed to be moved in June 1st, and here we are moved in FINALLY on July 1st! Anyway, all of our stuff is in boxes, so no pictures yet, but when I have them, I will post them! It is very exciting!

But I made a point not to forget the currently this month! WOOO!! Click the picture below to check out other currently's!

LISTENING: Really, I'm listening to a playlist, that just happened to be the one that was on when I was typing! *Now* I'm listening to Am I Wrong by Nico & Vinz. Sometimes you just gotta love the Top Hits...

LOVING: The hubby and I just moved out of about 300 square feet into a 4-bedroom HOUSE! It is... glorious. Period. 

THINKING: Oh man, we've been eating fast food for every meal for like 2 weeks with this ridiculously long move. It was fantastic to eat home cooked food on our brand new dishes. Sigh.

WANTING: This is going to be my first year teaching and I want my first classroom!!! I have so much STUFF packed up (in addition to the rest of my belongings...) for my classroom ready to load up! I hope they call soon. I'm off this week... ;)

NEEDING: I have one more day to get my physical done and get all my paperwork turned in. I had my New Hire Session yesterday!

4TH PLANS: Nothing. And I'm so OK with that. I'll be giving thanks for my day of quiet solitude with Ryan in our new house. <3

In addition to the currently this month, you gotta check out the fun July Photo Challenge on Instagram. I am a new Instagram addict, so if you are on it, come find me! @DaisyDesignsTpT. Kacie over at Managing and Motivating Math Minds started it today, so we will see how I do keeping up with it! So far... so good. One day! Woot! Follow me on Instagram to keep up with it and I'll follow you back! www.instagram.com/daisydesignstpt

Until next time!


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