June 4, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: A Teacher's Accident

Today, I come with sad news. A friend and co-worker of mine, Max, who teaches at the theater that I work for as well, was in a terrible car accident. He was traveling in South Carolina and is in critical condition at a hospital there. He is not breathing on his own and his heart has stopped twice. He has been on my mind and in my heart all day today when I found out. I know this isn't necessarily a "wordless" Wednesday... and I'm trying to keep it as "wordless" as possible, but I wanted to share some pictures and a link to a Go Fund Me another friend created to help with Max's medical bills.

Max is a very talented actor and a wonderful teacher at the theater. He helped me out tremendously during my last production of Here Be Dragons

Here are some pictures of his most recent production The Odd Couple.

Please have him in your prayers. If you are interested in donating, please click the pictures above or click HERE.

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