June 25, 2014

Mid-Week Exhaustion

I feel like I haven't blogged in ages. When I took the summer camp job offers for this year, I really didn't think I'd be in over my head. Fortunately, it isn't extremely overwhelming, but BOY AM I POOPED. This week in particular is beyond tiring. Here's a breakdown for ya:

8-noon STEAM camp for middle schoolers
1-4 Musical Theater dance camp for ages 8-12 (that's right... 3 HOURS....) (AND the theater is a 25 minute drive from the college campus the morning camp takes place in)
6:30-8 Adult tap dancing class

Every other day is the same with the exception of the tap class is only once. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't a dance camp in the afternoon. When I get home around 5... It takes every ounce of self control I have to not pass out on the couch. However, the kids ROCK in this class. I am extremely impressed and proud of them. I should have some choreography videos up on YouTube soon!

It also doesn't help that I'm in the midst of a huge move to a new house. Thank goodness for the work-from-home hubby because I am good for nothing this week!

I have some great new things in the works for your download-loving hearts, so stay tuned because I should have them up and ready in July!

Thanks for your patience, readers!

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