May 1, 2014

My Last Day of College!

I am so terrible. My last day of my internship was last FRIDAY and here it has been almost a week and I haven't posted about it! I am sorry, readers! Although my last day of internship was last week, this week has been its own kind of crazy. I am the choreographer of a musical and this week is their "hell week" as we like to call it in the theater world. That means, first time in costume, first time with their microphones, first time with lights, etc. It has been a nutso week for us all. But the show looks wonderful and I see it tomorrow, so I will let you all know who it went! I am very excited!

But back to my last day...

It was bittersweet, for sure. I can't believe that I am finally done with my bachelor's degree! It felt like AGES. I was fortunate enough to have a wonderful class and a very supportive supervising teacher. I walked in on my last day and there were two wrapped gifts from her: 

The other wrapped gift were the sheets! So happy...

Then the students started coming in and all crowded around me with gifts and cards to open. I felt so loved and they were all so excited to watch me open things. I don't have a picture of everything, but I have plenty of pictures to share with you the love I received that day.

Large photo on left: A student made that for me! I love it!
Small photo upper left: That is the little bag the student made for me that he filled with "teacher stuff."
Small photo upper right: A pencil pouch that coincidentally I saw at Target the day before and thought was cute. ;)
Small photo lower left: A plant!
Small photo lower right: A wax melter and refills (not pictures) that smell amazing!

And the cards were just SO sweet (and hilarious).

The flowery one says "Go Noodle Rules!" I love it! If you don't know about Go Noodle, you need to look it up now! My kiddos loved it!
And the envelope on the bottom has a little drawing under my name. It is a thumbs up, which is something I do a lot and stuck with this student for some reason. They are so sweet!

And then of course, the class gift:

They made it with their fingerprints! My supervising teacher is the spider. Hehe.

Needless to say, I had a great day and a wonderful internship in kindergarten. Now it is just a waiting game until jobs are posted for next school year and another waiting game till I get hired somewhere. Sigh.

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