April 1, 2014

April Currently

Hello readers! This is the first time I am linking up with Oh Boy Fourth Grade with the monthly "Currently" posts. I love these little writing starters. I use them in my journal all the time! So why not blog with it? ;)

LISTENING: My husband and I are becoming fans of the popular game League of Legends which has a HUGE fan base and actual paid professionals who play. LCS stands for League Champion Series which has been going on for several days now. We have it playing in the background pretty much all evening...
LOVING: This weather is just SO gorgeous! It is about 78 degrees right now, sunny, breezy, just perfection. It was a little chilly getting to school this morning, but it warmed up around 9:00!
THINKING: I am just down right sleepy. I don't want to say tired because I don't feel exhausted. I just finished Spring Break for crying out loud! But I am warm now instead of freezing and the warmth and my comfy "at-home" clothes just make me want to go to sleep and stay that way for a while.
WANTING: As mentioned above, LCS is playing the background which makes me want to log on and get playing!
NEEDING: I am doing the "Me on the Map" activity with the construction paper circles tomorrow and I NEED to make the model for the students to go by... but I just really don't want to right now!
HOURS AND LAST DAY: This is an interesting answer for me as I am a student teacher right now in my FINAL internship! My last day as a college student is April 25th, therefore I will no longer be required to be in the classroom. This will give me time to focus on teaching my theater classes and get ready for my summer jobs, but it is not the last day. The last day of school in my county is June 4th!

What is your "April Currently?" Check out others at Oh Boy Fourth Grade and link up too!

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