March 16, 2014


What. A. Week.

I can't believe I've let it go over a week without a solid post! It's ALMOST Spring Break and I am SOOOO ready. Unfortunately my kiddos are ready, too, and it is much harder to get them to focus right now. I have been coming home utterly exhausted everyday! So, yesterday, I took a much needed relaxing day. I didn't get out of my PJs and I played video games with my husband all day! In case you are a gaming fan like me, I have been playing a bit of League of Legends lately and it is TOUGH! I have only been playing for maybe 3 days and it is definitely addicting. I want to just keep playing and playing!

I am "Brutemanda" which is a play on my husband's gaming pen name "Brutall." In case you are interested, here is my husband's awesome YouTube channel: BrutallStatic. He is also always gaming on Twitch which is a streaming site. You can sometimes log in and watch me play as well, so check it out: Twitch, BrutallStatic.

In addition to taking a relax day, I did finish up a few TpT projects, including a freebie I'm posting for you, my readers! Here it is! I hope you enjoy it. I have been using it a lot in my Buddy Reading center for practice finding the main idea. :) CLICK HERE or click the IMAGE below.

Wish me luck on my last week before Spring Break and if your's happens to fall on the same week as mine, have a safe and relaxing break! <3

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

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