March 1, 2014

Seasons "Photo Booth" Posters

My kinders and I had so much fun this week with this project. Initially I was going to have it only in my Five for Friday post, but I HAD to have a dedicated post for it because these projects turned out so awesome!

One of the standards for kindergarten when they are learning about weather, is what to wear in each season. So this week, we assigned groups of 3 kids to a season. There are 6 groups so two of them have Summer and two have Winter, with only one each for Spring and Fall. I cut a hole for the kids' faces in a piece of poster board and the assignment is to add the body wearing appropriate dress for their assigned season. This is definitely for a grade and part of their grade is for teamwork, appropriate dress in the drawing, details, appropriate use of time, and their presentation to the class. Presentations will be next week, but take a look at these pictures! They loved this project and so did I!

Working on their posters.
We let them use markers which instantly made this project more fun.

How great are these?!?! 

I encourage you to try a project like this. I can't wait for their presentations next week because they are going to look so adorable with their faces through the "Photo Booth" posters and they are so excited to each get a turn to get their picture taken.

Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

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