January 14, 2014

No Snow... But Lots of Fun!

I'm back from Washington, D.C. and we had a wonderful time! I was incredibly disappointed, however, as you can probably tell from the title of this post... that there was no snow. In fact, it was the warmest it had been pretty much all winter and it rained for two of the three days we were there. Not much different from the Florida winter weather I am accustomed to. Oh well! The lack of freezing cold allowed me to enjoy walking outside to and from all the monuments and museums!

I'll keep this post to a minimum and let the pictures speak for themselves. :)

It rained so much. The only difference from Florida weather is the colder wind...

The "snow" I saw. I don't think this counts...

Wax museum fun!

Lincoln Memorial

My husband and his three sisters in front of the Lincoln Memorial building.

I'll Photoshop myself in later. I just didn't feel comfortable giving my phone to a stranger to take a picture of all of us...

And here we are! Fresh off the plane!

It really was a blast. I wish we could have stayed longer! But it is back to regular life now...

On to Kindergarten!

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