January 15, 2014

FREE 2014 Monthly Calendar Download

Hey blog lovers! I am trying to get organized (ya know... since it is one of my resolutions for this year...) and I started by making my monthly calendar. I am always incredibly picky about calendars and planners, so this year I'm making my own. We'll see how it goes.

So far so good, though. I made a monthly calendar for my supervising teacher's schedule of MY stuff for her, so she doesn't have to overwhelm her already busy calendar with the stuff she has to worry about for me. I made a little folder for her with all the forms and schedules she needs to co-teach with me and I'm adding this little calendar to it tonight.

As I was making it, I was thinking... this is too cute not to put up on my blog. So, blog buddies... here's a download for you for FREE! I went all the way through the year for you, even though my supervising teacher only needs through April. :) Let's get organized together!

Here are some shots of the pages. How cute are these?!

Let me know how these are working out for you! And once I get my planning sheets done, I'll post them too! Happy organizing!

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