January 2, 2014

2014 New Year Day Two: Crafting and Creating

Crafting and Creating! Oh goodness, I have so many goals in this area. I really love anything crafty, but I definitely don't make enough time for it. So, these are definitely some goals I want to make sure I incorporate into my wonderful 2014!

2013 was definitely a picture crazy year. We had our engagement, engagement photos, the wedding, the honeymoon... the list goes on and on. I have a ridiculous amount of pictures and scrapbooking supplies that are just crying out to be used! Gotta get a move on! It might actually take me all year... Thank you to photographer Jennifer Slater with 1000 Words Gallery for the gorgeous photos! Check out her work HERE.

That's right. Those are two mega packs of SHARPIES! My husband got them for me for Christmas and I've been drooling ever since. I keep an art journal, but I am not very good. That other image is the best thing I've ever drawn in my life lol. I really want to get better and practice is the only way! So, part of my crafting and creating goals for 2014 is to do just that.
I am fairly new to the blogging and TpT community (at least as a creator). I am thoroughly enjoying this whole experience so far and have huge plans for my next creations... but I have SO MUCH to learn and try in my digital creations. I have always loved creating things on the computer and love the fact that I can integrate that hobby into my blog and career. The images in this collage are from several different things, two of which are products in my TpT store. Check them out HERE. <3
So that's that! A year's worth of creativity and I am so stoked! I have such a fantastic year ahead of me. 

Thank you to the following for use of their graphics:
For the Retro Circle backgrounds

For the Little Piggy's Cake Font

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