January 4, 2014

2014 New Year Day Four: Professional Goals

So this is where I will have several goals, some of which I am not even aware of yet! Let me explain.

First, since I am a student teacher I do not currently have my own classroom. I am, however, interning in a Kindergarten classroom resuming on January 13th and there, I have several goals. The major ones are:

I am currently sitting at an overall GPA of 3.89. Unfortunately when I was really young and fresh out of high school I was a Theatre major and did poorly in two classes that have literally been haunting me and following me throughout my whole college career. I mean, a 3.89 is great... but... I just HATE that those two classes that I got nothing out of for my career have such an impact. I did, however finish last semester (my first internship and 3 classes) with a 4.0! So that helped my overall GPA tremendously. 

The point of the internship is to "be the teacher" with essentially a guide in the room with me. I am so incredibly fortunate to have an amazing supervising teacher. She is so laid back and makes me feel so comfortable. If she has feedback for me, she is so positive and supportive. I cannot wait to experience this internship in her classroom.

This is probably the most intense goal I have. I am a little nervous in this area because job interviews intimidate me a bit. I am also nervous because the county I currently live in is having some issues with job security. However, I have no qualms about moving elsewhere. My husband is graduating with his BS the same day as I am! So, other than my husband's current job and my parents living here, we really have nothing tying us down where we are. But I am such a home-body. I don't want to go far if I can help it. Hopefully this goal will be met and I will have my own classroom in August!

I do have a few other goals in regards to my other job. I am an instructor at a local community theater where I teach weekly classes and weekend workshops throughout the year, including the summer. I teach all ages and I always enjoy these so much. Here are my theater goals:

I have a bad habit of pushing the planning for these extra curricular classes to the last minute and then wind up rushing. I always feel like I have more time than I do. This is big for me and I really want to make sure I'm balancing my time well between planning for my internship classes and graduation as well as the classes I teach at the theater.

I am a very creative person. You have to be in this business and I always pride myself on my work and creations. I tend to get a little disappointed however when I don't get the reaction to my dances, skits, songs, etc. from parents and co-instructors that I think my work deserves. I mean, they always say they like everything. I've never gotten any negative feedback, but for some reason I build it up in my head and am instantly disappointed that the feedback isn't that my productions are Academy Award winning material.

I have a HUGE year ahead of me. And like I said, I likely have more goals that will crop up later on in the year, especially if  when I get my own classroom!

Thanks to Graphics From the Pond for their super cute number graphics and to Teaches Third in Georgia for the Cheerios font. :)

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