It's TIME! I have been so excited to be a part of.....
So what exactly does this mean?? Weeeellll, I post a Halloween product (maaaayyybe there's a freebie involved...), a Halloween craft, a Halloween recipe, AND links to an AWESOME giveaway! I mean, really, what more could you ask for? The coolest thing about a blog hop is that when you are done checking out my blog, you can click through each of the blogs linked up and snag some more great deals and fantastic ideas! If you'd like to start where it all began, make sure you check out The Teaching 2 Step. I love working with those creative ladies on such a cool collaborative blog.

First, I just HAVE to post this fun recipe. But, I need to post a disclaimer first. I couldn't think of a recipe. I don't have kids and although I'm a Kindergarten teacher, I am not good at coming up with fun food ideas. I can make crafts and printables and awesome centers till I'm blue in the face, but food fun is just not my thing. So, where better to go that PINTEREST! How many times Pinterest has saved me is countless. I saw a similar pin over and over and over again and just took it as a sign that it was what I needed to do as well. I also thought... well... I don't cook well, nor can I bake well, and I have already lost 8 pounds since starting to eat better... why bomb it with that awesome eyeball cookie or graveyard pudding? I mean, the kids are going to get enough candy and sweets this month, so I went with the healthy (and SuPeR easy route):
Step 1 - Go to the store, or in my case, send hubby to the store with this short list:
It is so easy, the hubs can do it! (Although, I will say, my husband is way better at grocery shopping and household stuff than I am... for real...)
Step 2 - Pick a cute cup or glass! Because I made this at home for Ryan and myself, I went for the pretty wine glasses. At my house, the only thing that really goes into these wine glasses is fruit and desserts apparently. I'm not even sure why we have them...
Step 3 - LAYER!
Step 4 - OM NOM NOM.
If I can do it, you can do it. I'll likely be doing this fun snack with my class in clear plastic cups and it is so easy that I believe I will allow them to do the layering! I would say, "Wish me luck," but again, they can handle it! So easy!
I don't know about you, but my class is obsessed with those mustache and lips photo booth prop things. So, I thought that it would be fun to make our own... Halloween style!
I have not done this with my class yet, but have all the photos and steps needed for you to do it with yours! I will post updated pictures with my class when they do it.
Step 1: Pre-cut the lips (unless you are working with an older group who might be better with scissors than my kinders...
Step 2: Have the kids cut out teeth from pre-cut white squares of construction paper.
Step 3: Glue the teeth onto the lips.
Step 4: Hot glue or use white glue to glue on craft sticks. I simply used popsicle sticks.... I mean, you can't beat $1 for like 100 of them from The Dollar Tree...)
Step 5: Pose for a super awesome (or super scary) Halloween photo!
It works because I'm really pale...
To help you with the above craft, here are the templates for the lips (and teeth if you'd like to have them pre-cut or have students cut along a line instead of cutting their own).
Click the above image to download for FREE!
Now for what we've all been waiting for!!! SALE!!! I usually just put specific items in my store on sale for holidays, but I have been having SO MUCH FUN with this blog hop, I decided to go all in. My entire store will be 20% off all weekend! Here are some must-see items that were JUST posted last week!
This was probably the most enjoyable product to make so far. Check out my Instagram for more photos: @
OOOOHHHH! Was THIS what you were looking for??? I don't blame you... this giveaway totally ROCKS! Check out these prize packs and enter to win! My new Halloween Costume Party bundle is included in the giveaway which is normally $8! And look at that CUTE set of Frankenstein clipart cuties! Am I allowed to enter the giveaway, too? ;)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway