Thanks for entering the giveaway everyone! And keep your eyes peeled for more freebies and giveaways before school starts in August! ;)

June 30, 2014
June 27, 2014
100 Follower Giveaway Weekend!
It is finally here everyone! This afternoon, the 100th person followed me on Teachers Pay Teachers and I even gained a couple more ending the night at 102 followers! I have been mentioning a giveaway every now and then and now is the time, folks! The giveaway will run all weekend and the winner will be announced Monday morning!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for entering!
The giveaway item is... drumroll please... the most wishlisted item on my store: Superhero Creative Writing Bundle Grades 2-4!
Thanks for entering!
June 25, 2014
Mid-Week Exhaustion
I feel like I haven't blogged in ages. When I took the summer camp job offers for this year, I really didn't think I'd be in over my head. Fortunately, it isn't extremely overwhelming, but BOY AM I POOPED. This week in particular is beyond tiring. Here's a breakdown for ya:
8-noon STEAM camp for middle schoolers
1-4 Musical Theater dance camp for ages 8-12 (that's right... 3 HOURS....) (AND the theater is a 25 minute drive from the college campus the morning camp takes place in)
6:30-8 Adult tap dancing class
Every other day is the same with the exception of the tap class is only once. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't a dance camp in the afternoon. When I get home around 5... It takes every ounce of self control I have to not pass out on the couch. However, the kids ROCK in this class. I am extremely impressed and proud of them. I should have some choreography videos up on YouTube soon!
It also doesn't help that I'm in the midst of a huge move to a new house. Thank goodness for the work-from-home hubby because I am good for nothing this week!
I have some great new things in the works for your download-loving hearts, so stay tuned because I should have them up and ready in July!
Thanks for your patience, readers!
8-noon STEAM camp for middle schoolers
1-4 Musical Theater dance camp for ages 8-12 (that's right... 3 HOURS....) (AND the theater is a 25 minute drive from the college campus the morning camp takes place in)
6:30-8 Adult tap dancing class
Every other day is the same with the exception of the tap class is only once. It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't a dance camp in the afternoon. When I get home around 5... It takes every ounce of self control I have to not pass out on the couch. However, the kids ROCK in this class. I am extremely impressed and proud of them. I should have some choreography videos up on YouTube soon!
It also doesn't help that I'm in the midst of a huge move to a new house. Thank goodness for the work-from-home hubby because I am good for nothing this week!
I have some great new things in the works for your download-loving hearts, so stay tuned because I should have them up and ready in July!
Thanks for your patience, readers!
June 19, 2014
Fairy Tale Endings
On Friday of last week, we ended the first of many one week summer camps at the theater I work for. This camp was called "Fairy Tale Theater Styles" and it was for ages 8-12. I was IN LOVE with this class. It was a total blast and I'm using it as the inspiration of my newest TpT product!
The summer camps at the theater are three hours a day for one week. Parents can sign their kids up for one camp or enough camps to last all summer! They are broken down into age groups (ages 4-7, ages 8-12, and the teen camps). I love how the camps work and they all have awesome themes that make learning theater skills even more fun!
Like I said, this one was a fairy tale theme and I had nine very excited little girls. Here's a breakdown of what we did, most of which is included in the download on TpT:
On Day One, we did a lot of ice breaker games that I have in my back pocket. I only knew one of the students in the class from a class I taught last year, but I didn't know anyone else! It was exciting to have new kids around!
Ice Breakers: The Adjective Game and the Skittles Game
The Adjective Game: Everyone stands in a circle and we go around in a circle introducing ourselves with an adjective starting with the same sound as our name before it. Example from the class: Jumpy Jenna. She was accurate.
The Skittles Game: Everyone gets three Skittles of different colors. I premade a little chart that had a corresponding topic next to each color. Red for family, yellow for hobbies, orange for favorite color, etc. You can do this with whatever you want! We went around in the circle and the kids told everyone a little about themselves based on the color candies they had. Added bonus: You get to eat Skittles!
I tried to start and end each camp day with a fairy tale reading. I started with Cinderella. The girls were happily nibbling on their Skittles while I read and were definitely excited for the next activity:
I was pretty excited to go back the next day and the kiddos were excited to see me, so I would say, that means Day One was a success! Day Two was awesome as well. We did puppet shows! The theater I work for has TONS of hand puppets and finger puppets. I had them in small groups again and I scattered the puppets around the room. They were instructed to each choose two puppets (they have two hands after all!) and create their own fairy tale. We discussed the elements of a fairy tale.

I used some posters that I made and hung them up on the wall for them to refer to as they figured out their puppet show. They came up with some pretty awesome fairy tales! You can snag the posters for FREE at my TpT store and they match everything else in the full unit (also on my TpT store). Click the image below to go to the FREEBIE!!

Day Two was so much fun and I tried to record their puppet shows, but I discovered that I had my phone on camera the whole time and instead of recording, I just took one picture. /facepalm. What a waste! But take my word for it (because you have no choice...) that they were great. I loved seeing the kids go up to the posters and jot down their ideas to rehearse. So awesome.
We also read The Princess and The Pea because they had never heard of it! WHAT?! They were certainly intrigued to hear a fairy tale they hadn't heard before and I was certainly thrilled to be the one to share it with them. After we read it, I showed them the first twenty minutes of the musical version of the story called Once Upon a Mattress. It was a theater camp, after all, and I love the fact that the musical changed some things about the original story. It made the kids really think about why those elements were changed in order to fit the style of entertainment. They did a great job and they enjoyed the movie. If you have not seen or heard the music in Once Upon a Mattress, look it up for sure! It is really enjoyable and the movie version is in parts on YouTube (with Zooey Deschanel, Matthew Morris, and the wonderful Carol Burnett!).
And what kind of theater class would this have been if we didn't SING something! We sang some songs from Tangled, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, and Pinocchio. Karaoke time!
I have to tell you that Day Three was probably the most fun day of them all. Seriously. We did some set designing.
I have tried set design ONCE with 8-year-olds. ONCE. Tried and definitely failed. It was a horrible flop and I vowed I would never try it again. Well... I broke my vow and tried my hand at it again for this camp. After a few years of avoiding it, I felt it was time to introduce it again... but in a more kid-friendly way. I made a game. And it rocked.
I call the game the "Creative Castle Game" and it works like this: There are three types of cards. Students draw a card from each type (The Fairy Tale Link card, The Castle Design card, and the Character card). Each card has some sort of design element on it that must be included in their drawing. This caused the students to really narrow down what their design needed to be, which is important in theater set design. You must meet the needs of the performance and the performers. I got out the rulers and the art supplies and let them go to town. Because of the wide age range, I did not require them to include measurements and scales, but with older students I would. It was also really awesome to hang up their designs around the room for a "Design Gallery" when parents came on the last day for "Share Day."
I know that I JUST said that Day Three was the most awesome day... but Day Four was pretty killer, too. I also told you that the theater has a huge collection of puppets... something else they have a lot of... are costumes. I usually avoid the costume chests like the plague with larger classes, because the trunks were previously AWFUL to get out and organize. It was chaos! But our new Education Director tore everything apart a little while ago and organized everything beautifully. I was not afraid to use the costumes! And the kids were border-lined threatened that if they didn't keep it organized there would be severe consequences. So we played some great games with the costumes.
We also discussed fractured fairy tales. There are a lot of plays and musicals that are written in a fractured fairy tale style and since this class was called "Fairy Tale Theater Styles" I thought it would be appropriate and super awesome to add that in. I read The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales by Jon Scieszka. I chose it because there are short silly versions of fairy tales so we could read a lot in our limited time after dress up time. Then, I challenged the girls to write their own fracture fairy tale monologues. They chose a costume and everything and wrote them diligently. I was SO impressed. The things they came up with were so great. I mean, look at these titles:
"The True Story of The Little Mermaid" (Ariel was a little feminist in this one demanding that Eric sacrifice his life and become a merman... why does SHE have to do it??)
"The Two Blind Mice and The Sister With 20/20 Vision" (Oh my word... and one of the brothers' names was Mickey. So FUNNY.)
"Awake Beauty" (She was cursed to stay awake instead of sleep and was forced to watch infomercials on TV all night long. It was also awesome that her costume was pink pajamas and she carried a pillow)
I can't make these things up, people. I am far less creative that these awesome kiddos!
We practiced our things and played a few games, but today was all about the parents coming in for the last 45 minutes of camp and watching our performances. We set up the Castle Design Gallery, I printed and had the kids fold some programs and we got our costumes ready to present our monologues and dances. Here's how it went down:
"Ten Minutes Ago" ballroom dance from Cinderella
"Kiss the Girl" (singing) from The Little Mermaid
"I See the Light" (singing) from Tangled
Fractured Fairy Tale Monologues (all 9 original monologues!)
"I'm a Believer" dance from Shrek
All the dances were choreographed by yours truly and will be up on YouTube as soon as my husband edits it and makes it pretty. ;) I also wanted to put up the program but it has the students' full names. Sorry! They look cute though, don't worry!
So there ya have it folks. This post was a long one but I felt that I needed to share my first AMAZING week at the theater camps. I can't wait for next week. Next week's camp is called "You Can't Stop the Beat" and it is a musical theater dance camp! Woo-HOO!!
The summer camps at the theater are three hours a day for one week. Parents can sign their kids up for one camp or enough camps to last all summer! They are broken down into age groups (ages 4-7, ages 8-12, and the teen camps). I love how the camps work and they all have awesome themes that make learning theater skills even more fun!
Like I said, this one was a fairy tale theme and I had nine very excited little girls. Here's a breakdown of what we did, most of which is included in the download on TpT:
On Day One, we did a lot of ice breaker games that I have in my back pocket. I only knew one of the students in the class from a class I taught last year, but I didn't know anyone else! It was exciting to have new kids around!
Ice Breakers: The Adjective Game and the Skittles Game
The Adjective Game: Everyone stands in a circle and we go around in a circle introducing ourselves with an adjective starting with the same sound as our name before it. Example from the class: Jumpy Jenna. She was accurate.
The Skittles Game: Everyone gets three Skittles of different colors. I premade a little chart that had a corresponding topic next to each color. Red for family, yellow for hobbies, orange for favorite color, etc. You can do this with whatever you want! We went around in the circle and the kids told everyone a little about themselves based on the color candies they had. Added bonus: You get to eat Skittles!
I tried to start and end each camp day with a fairy tale reading. I started with Cinderella. The girls were happily nibbling on their Skittles while I read and were definitely excited for the next activity:
Here's how it works. I split the entire group into two groups. I did this because I had two volunteer teen interns (Derek and Lindsey), so we had Team Derek and Team Lindsey. They were uneven, but we made up for it later with different groups. You can totally do this with as many groups as you want, but it works best in groups of 4 or more.
The teams were given the task of retelling the story of Cinderella as a 5 minute play where everyone has a role. That was fine and dandy. THEN, after they all perform their short play, you give them the same task but the twist is.... They now only have one minute to retell the same story. If they do well with that, which my groups did, you can then challenge them to retell the story in 30 seconds. That is hilarious to watch!
The best part about this game is the fact that the students really have to think about what is important in the story to retell. Have you ever asked a child to tell you about the book they are reading and they want to tell you every detail? This eliminates that! Included in the Fairy Tale Unit on TpT is a writing activity similar to this that would supplement this activity.
After the retelling challenge, we played a few more games, one of which I call the "Stepmother's Chore Relay Race." I tried to make Day One all about Cinderella. ;)
In addition to the two games mentioned above, we did some work on character traits and why they are important to know as an actor. I rolled out some white butcher paper and gave them markers and them write in (yearbook style) the different character traits of Cinderella. We hung it up on the wall for us to refer to all week long.
And of course, being that this is a theater camp, we started learning some basic ballroom dancing steps to the song "Ten Minutes Ago" from the Broadway version of Cinderella. At first I was disappointed that I didn't have any boys in the class, it wound up being a huge benefit. The girls didn't mind being each other's partners and I didn't have to deal with "EWW! I am not dancing with a boy!!" Kids...

I used some posters that I made and hung them up on the wall for them to refer to as they figured out their puppet show. They came up with some pretty awesome fairy tales! You can snag the posters for FREE at my TpT store and they match everything else in the full unit (also on my TpT store). Click the image below to go to the FREEBIE!!

Day Two was so much fun and I tried to record their puppet shows, but I discovered that I had my phone on camera the whole time and instead of recording, I just took one picture. /facepalm. What a waste! But take my word for it (because you have no choice...) that they were great. I loved seeing the kids go up to the posters and jot down their ideas to rehearse. So awesome.
We also read The Princess and The Pea because they had never heard of it! WHAT?! They were certainly intrigued to hear a fairy tale they hadn't heard before and I was certainly thrilled to be the one to share it with them. After we read it, I showed them the first twenty minutes of the musical version of the story called Once Upon a Mattress. It was a theater camp, after all, and I love the fact that the musical changed some things about the original story. It made the kids really think about why those elements were changed in order to fit the style of entertainment. They did a great job and they enjoyed the movie. If you have not seen or heard the music in Once Upon a Mattress, look it up for sure! It is really enjoyable and the movie version is in parts on YouTube (with Zooey Deschanel, Matthew Morris, and the wonderful Carol Burnett!).
And what kind of theater class would this have been if we didn't SING something! We sang some songs from Tangled, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and The Beast, and Pinocchio. Karaoke time!
I have to tell you that Day Three was probably the most fun day of them all. Seriously. We did some set designing.
I have tried set design ONCE with 8-year-olds. ONCE. Tried and definitely failed. It was a horrible flop and I vowed I would never try it again. Well... I broke my vow and tried my hand at it again for this camp. After a few years of avoiding it, I felt it was time to introduce it again... but in a more kid-friendly way. I made a game. And it rocked.
I call the game the "Creative Castle Game" and it works like this: There are three types of cards. Students draw a card from each type (The Fairy Tale Link card, The Castle Design card, and the Character card). Each card has some sort of design element on it that must be included in their drawing. This caused the students to really narrow down what their design needed to be, which is important in theater set design. You must meet the needs of the performance and the performers. I got out the rulers and the art supplies and let them go to town. Because of the wide age range, I did not require them to include measurements and scales, but with older students I would. It was also really awesome to hang up their designs around the room for a "Design Gallery" when parents came on the last day for "Share Day."
Here's an example that one of the students was working on. Her cards were:
1. Your castle is home to a giant in the sky. (Jack and the Beanstalk)
2. Your castle has a moat surrounding it. (design element)
3. Your princess has dark hair (character element)
All the cards and more pictures are included in the full unit HERE in my TpT store. In the download I also included ways the cards could be used as a writing assignment or writing center with a fairy tale twist. Included as well are rubrics for easy grading, an answer key for the Fairy Tale Link cards, and a "Colorful Words" page to help those students who are writing about their castle instead of drawing it.

In one such game, the girls chose a random costume and put it on, I split them into groups, and they had to act out a fairy tale based on the random costumes they had on. Interesting, to say the least. They were very creative. And poor Derek. What a trooper. Those girls had him in all kinds of wacky get-ups. This picture of the tutu just cracks me up though.
"The True Story of The Little Mermaid" (Ariel was a little feminist in this one demanding that Eric sacrifice his life and become a merman... why does SHE have to do it??)
"The Two Blind Mice and The Sister With 20/20 Vision" (Oh my word... and one of the brothers' names was Mickey. So FUNNY.)
"Awake Beauty" (She was cursed to stay awake instead of sleep and was forced to watch infomercials on TV all night long. It was also awesome that her costume was pink pajamas and she carried a pillow)
I can't make these things up, people. I am far less creative that these awesome kiddos!
We practiced our things and played a few games, but today was all about the parents coming in for the last 45 minutes of camp and watching our performances. We set up the Castle Design Gallery, I printed and had the kids fold some programs and we got our costumes ready to present our monologues and dances. Here's how it went down:
"Ten Minutes Ago" ballroom dance from Cinderella
"Kiss the Girl" (singing) from The Little Mermaid
"I See the Light" (singing) from Tangled
Fractured Fairy Tale Monologues (all 9 original monologues!)
"I'm a Believer" dance from Shrek
All the dances were choreographed by yours truly and will be up on YouTube as soon as my husband edits it and makes it pretty. ;) I also wanted to put up the program but it has the students' full names. Sorry! They look cute though, don't worry!
More awesome costume pictures. One featuring Derek in the fabulous... something... the girls put him in. Gotta love it!
So there ya have it folks. This post was a long one but I felt that I needed to share my first AMAZING week at the theater camps. I can't wait for next week. Next week's camp is called "You Can't Stop the Beat" and it is a musical theater dance camp! Woo-HOO!!
June 14, 2014
A Much Needed Blog Makeover!
Alright, ladies and gents... I started the blog makeover process.
It is still a work in progress but I am so happy with it right now, I could cry.
I figured out the problem I was having last week, for those of you who are aware (if not, read my last post... I was a grumpy cat that day for sure). The site that was hosting the pre-made template I had installed was suspended so everything started disappearing. I was really down in the dumps but I had to get over it quick, because the only option I had was to start from scratch... I had considered hiring someone, but I am not yet ready to take the plunge into paying a blog designer. I want to so badly! But money is tight and I can't justify it (yet!). So because of my limited knowledge and skills, pre-made templates and backgrounds are my friends. I found a background I LOVE, but it did not come with a pre-made header (or anything for that matter... it is just the background). I decided to try my hand at making my own. I mean, I can make my own teaching resources... why can't I make a header?? At least I'm starting small right?
Well, it went well, thanks to a few tutorials I found online and the result right up there at the top of my page! I like it's simplicity and it's cohesiveness with the pre-made background I downloaded. I am pleased so far and feel like I just conquered the world! The next improvement I'll be tackling are the navigation tabs which are currently missing.
Let me know what you think! Hopefully good things! Thanks for your patience, readers!
It is still a work in progress but I am so happy with it right now, I could cry.
I figured out the problem I was having last week, for those of you who are aware (if not, read my last post... I was a grumpy cat that day for sure). The site that was hosting the pre-made template I had installed was suspended so everything started disappearing. I was really down in the dumps but I had to get over it quick, because the only option I had was to start from scratch... I had considered hiring someone, but I am not yet ready to take the plunge into paying a blog designer. I want to so badly! But money is tight and I can't justify it (yet!). So because of my limited knowledge and skills, pre-made templates and backgrounds are my friends. I found a background I LOVE, but it did not come with a pre-made header (or anything for that matter... it is just the background). I decided to try my hand at making my own. I mean, I can make my own teaching resources... why can't I make a header?? At least I'm starting small right?
Well, it went well, thanks to a few tutorials I found online and the result right up there at the top of my page! I like it's simplicity and it's cohesiveness with the pre-made background I downloaded. I am pleased so far and feel like I just conquered the world! The next improvement I'll be tackling are the navigation tabs which are currently missing.
Let me know what you think! Hopefully good things! Thanks for your patience, readers!
June 10, 2014
Not Sure What Happened To My Blog...
Hello readers... I just want to post a quick note to you all about WHAT the HECK is going on with my blog?? All of a sudden, my background disappeared today. I initially thought it was my browser, so I tried other browsers and still got the same issue. Then all of a sudden, my blog started reverting back to a Blogger default template and it looks terrible.
I unfortunately, do not have the time to dedicate to fixing it quickly, so I will start piddling with it as quickly as I can and get it back to normal. In the mean time, sorry for the horrible mess it has become! Maybe it is a sign that I should hire a designer. I've been trying to scramble a little money together for it but have been putting it off.
If you have had this issue, please let me know what you did to resolve it. If not, just be patient and know that I am working on it but am a crazy busy lady! Sigh...
I unfortunately, do not have the time to dedicate to fixing it quickly, so I will start piddling with it as quickly as I can and get it back to normal. In the mean time, sorry for the horrible mess it has become! Maybe it is a sign that I should hire a designer. I've been trying to scramble a little money together for it but have been putting it off.
If you have had this issue, please let me know what you did to resolve it. If not, just be patient and know that I am working on it but am a crazy busy lady! Sigh...
June 5, 2014
I Have a Job!!
I am extremely excited to announce that I decided on a position today and I am THRILLED! I interviewed at three schools and was offered a position at all three. This, of course, made my decision kind of tough. I applied at these schools all for a reason: that I could see myself working there. Since they all offered me a position, I had to really think. The other hard part was, two of the three interviews were today and they needed to know by 5pm today! Wow! So, I had to make a decision.
Hehe. This made me chuckle. I feel pretty good about how I'll do next year, but I'm sure I still have a lot to learn! So stoked!
I make it sound pretty awful and that I was wracking my brains for the short one hour I had to make a decision... but in all honesty, it wasn't too hard to decide. The school I chose made me feel comfortable and even in the short time I was there, I felt at ease.
PLUS, they offered me Kindergarten... how could I refuse?!?!
So, say hello to the newest Kindergarten teacher on the block, ladies and gents! Time to go shopping!
June 4, 2014
Wordless Wednesday: A Teacher's Accident
Today, I come with sad news. A friend and co-worker of mine, Max, who teaches at the theater that I work for as well, was in a terrible car accident. He was traveling in South Carolina and is in critical condition at a hospital there. He is not breathing on his own and his heart has stopped twice. He has been on my mind and in my heart all day today when I found out. I know this isn't necessarily a "wordless" Wednesday... and I'm trying to keep it as "wordless" as possible, but I wanted to share some pictures and a link to a Go Fund Me another friend created to help with Max's medical bills.
Max is a very talented actor and a wonderful teacher at the theater. He helped me out tremendously during my last production of Here Be Dragons.
Here are some pictures of his most recent production The Odd Couple.
Max is a very talented actor and a wonderful teacher at the theater. He helped me out tremendously during my last production of Here Be Dragons.
Here are some pictures of his most recent production The Odd Couple.
Please have him in your prayers. If you are interested in donating, please click the pictures above or click HERE.
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